Learn More About Why
Environmental Health and Safety Should
Lead in Morgue Safety

Download the Scimedico White Paper
"Environmental Health and Safety l Morgue Workflow, Compliance, and the Topic of Safety and Hazard Issue Ownership in the Morgue Setting"

In the clinical hospital setting, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) plays a crucial role in ensuring the health and safety of all employees. Pathtraker, a specialized solution, addresses unique challenges in the morgue environment, particularly within the pathology space, to ensure overall safety.

Pathtraker is designed to enhance safety protocols in the pathology setting, where employees work with samples and face potential hazards. It provides an algorithm powered by artificial intelligence that assesses the morgue environment and determines the safest storage location for deceased individuals based on their weight. By guiding staff members on intra-morgue moves and considering weight and safety considerations, Pathtraker ensures proper storage and reduces risks.

Pathtraker is a specialized solution that addresses unique challenges in the morgue environment, specifically within the pathology space, to ensure the health and safety of staff members. By providing an algorithm powered by artificial intelligence, Pathtraker enhances safety protocols by guiding staff on intra-morgue moves and determining the safest storage location for deceased individuals based on their weight.

Furthermore, Pathtraker streamlines record keeping through the generation of QR codes or barcode labels, facilitating easy tracking and location identification. It also automates reporting on the morgue census, enabling accurate and timely information for effective management.

The implementation of Pathtraker fills critical gaps in environmental health and safety in the morgue, improving functional safety, ergonomic safety, physical safety, and the overall well-being of staff members. It revolutionizes the handling of deceased individuals in the morgue environment, bridging existing gaps and enhancing efficiency.

To take the next step, the Scimedico team suggests scheduling a demonstration of Pathtraker for the Environmental Health and Safety group at the facility. Following the demo, collaborative discussions can be held with various stakeholders, including EHS, pathology, nursing, transportation, security, management, and procurement, to explore the transformative potential of Pathtraker in the facility's deceased individuals' handling processes.

Complete the form to download the Scimedico white paper: "Environmental Health and Safety l Morgue Workflow, Compliance, and the Topic of Safety and Hazard Issue Ownership in the Morgue Setting."

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Pathtraker Addresses Current Staff Safety Issues

› Morgue Capacity

End users have no tracking regarding the "morgue censes" creating a safety hazard - Pathtraker allows managers to safely direct staff with real time AI powered capacity management

› Robust Reporting

The lack of reporting in the morgue impacts safe operations for all departments involved management of decedents - Pathtraker reports on all aspects of the morgue to all staff involved

Safe Patient Handling

The movement of decedents in and out of the morgue represents safe patient handling challenge in every decedent placement and removal - With an AI powered algorithm, Pathtraker knows your morgue and directs staff to the safest location for decedents by weight

› Autopsy Tracking

he movement of decedents in and out of the morgue represents safe patient handling challenge in every decedent placement and removal - With an AI powered algorithm, Pathtraker knows your morgue and directs staff to the safest location for decedents by weight

› Decedent Property

The movement of decedents in and out of the morgue represents safe patient handling challenge in every decedent placement and removal - With an AI powered algorithm, Pathtraker knows your morgue and directs staff to the safest location for decedents by weight

› Video Monitoring

he movement of decedents in and out of the morgue represents safe patient handling challenge in every decedent placement and removal - With an AI powered algorithm, Pathtraker knows your morgue and directs staff to the safest location for decedents by weight

Pathtraker Features

Pathtraker transforms the decedent management process in the clinical, research/education, and law enforcement environments.

Pathtraker supports staff safety and compliance while ensuring that the deceased patient's body is treated with respect and dignity within legal and regulatory requirements.

Designed for clinical, educational, and law enforcement settings, Pathtraker takes into account all aspects of the decedent management workflow.

HIPAA-compliant cloud based software that provides standardized decedent process via any approved desktop or mobile device, Pathtraker features:

Pathtraker includes a patented integrated algorithm that manages decedent locations within the morgue by weight to improve staff safety while delivering robust reporting that informs all stakeholders regarding the morgue population census.

Pathtraker FAQ's For EH&S

FAQs: Environmental Health and Safety in the Morgue Environment

Q1: Why should Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) take the lead in ensuring safety in the morgue environment?
A1: EHS plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and safety of employees in all workplace settings, including the morgue. Given the unique challenges and potential hazards in the morgue environment, EHS professionals possess the expertise to identify, mitigate, and manage these risks effectively. Their knowledge of safety regulations, protocols, and best practices enables them to create a safe work environment for all personnel involved.

Q2: How does EHS address workflow concerns in the morgue environment?
A2: EHS professionals are well-equipped to assess and optimize workflow processes in the morgue. They can identify areas where efficiency can be improved, streamline procedures, and implement measures to enhance productivity without compromising safety. By analyzing the workflow, EHS ensures that tasks are organized, resources are utilized effectively, and potential bottlenecks or hazards are minimized.

Q3: What role does EHS play in promoting ergonomics in the morgue?
A3: EHS recognizes the importance of ergonomics in preventing workplace injuries and ensuring the well-being of employees. In the morgue, where staff members are involved in physically demanding tasks such as lifting and moving deceased individuals, ergonomic considerations are vital. EHS experts can assess the workspace, recommend appropriate equipment, provide training on proper body mechanics, and implement ergonomic guidelines to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and promote long-term health.

Q4: How does EHS support employee mental health in the morgue environment?
A4: EHS acknowledges the potential mental health challenges that can arise from working in the morgue. Dealing with deceased individuals and the associated emotional and psychological impact can take a toll on staff members. EHS professionals can collaborate with healthcare providers and implement strategies to support employee well-being, such as providing access to counseling services, offering stress management programs, fostering a supportive work environment, and promoting open communication channels.

Q5: What benefits can be expected by having EHS take the lead in the morgue environment?
A5: Having EHS at the forefront of safety, workflow optimization, ergonomics, and employee mental health in the morgue environment brings numerous advantages. These include reduced risks of workplace accidents and injuries, improved efficiency and productivity, enhanced employee well-being and job satisfaction, compliance with safety regulations, and overall better management of the unique challenges posed by the morgue setting. EHS's expertise ensures a comprehensive approach to creating a safe, healthy, and supportive work environment for all morgue personnel.